Monday, January 9, 2012

What's goin' on.

Hey! it's a new week, new school year and that means a lot of changes are going on. I started school full time again this semester. I'm taking spanish, study of disabilities (edu), spanish and belly dancing. I'm excited to have more to do, but it also means i'm going to be extremely busy this semester. I'm still volunteering at the elementary school twice a week. I start work tonight, so I'll probably be working at least 10-15 hours a week. On top of all that I have to find time to do my field experience hours for my new education course. Unfortunately I can't do them at the elementary school that I already volunteer at because it's not a designated facility for disabilities.

Anyways, I'll be pretty busy. But it's better than staying home all day doing nothing. Tonight I start my first night of training at Red Robin. I'm a little nervous for it but i'm excited to be working again and making some money.

 So that's it for now, I need to go get ready for work. I hope you guys are all having a magical monday!


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