Monday, December 19, 2011

A Season Of Giving

So this weekend Chauncey and I did some more Christmas shopping. It was crazy, there were so many people at the mall. We ended up buying most of the stuff we needed from Target, and it wasn't as bad there. After we were done, our total came up to about $120 dollars. As Chauncey was getting ready to pay some man came up and waved a coupon in the cashiers face, at first Chauncey and i were like, dude can't you go bother another cashier? We're kinda in the middle of paying. (don't worry we only thought that, we didn't actually say it.) But then we realized that he was giving us a coupon, and it was for 10 dollars off 100 or more. So it knocked our total down by ten bucks! (To some that may not mean a lot, but to us that's useful money towards groceries or something else we might need.) So we were pretty grateful and were able to thank him as he was walking out the door.

That kind gesture just reminded me how Christmas isn't just about receiving gifts (though that is pretty exciting!) It's about giving, not just gifts, but giving happiness to others. Christ wouldn't want us to be selfish or unhappy during this season (or any other time). We should follow his example and be more like him. We can all do something for someone else, even if it's small like giving a coupon that will knock off a few bucks off their total. So if you haven't already, try to do something kind for someone else this week. It doesn't have to be big, or take a lot of time, but I can assure you that you will be happier because of it, and you will be sharing happiness to others.

P.S. Guess what? We have a different calling! The primary president is moving us from Senior Primary to....Sunbeams!! Those are the little kids that are just coming out of nursery! We are so excited :)


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